Oli Reed
Editor, Trail magazine & LFTO
Our editor is a lifelong hiker who's climbed hills and mountains everywhere from the Lakes and the Dales to the Dolomites and Yosemite. Oli loves a night in a tent somewhere wild, is rarely seen wearing long trousers, and can often be spotted walking, cycling or paddling along a trail or river with his two young boys in tow. Which also makes him our go-to tester for family outdoor kit.
Oli's also had every injury under the sun as a result of never looking where he's putting his feet and playing far too much amateur sport (plus something to do with a child's slide, a paddling pool, and a broken leg) – and as a result is a recent convert to cushioned lightweight footwear.
Oli's top tips for picking the right outdoor gear:
Focus on what's right for you – don't worry too much about what everyone else is using. One of your mates may swear by traditional leather walking boots or ultra-light backpacking gear, but that doesn't mean it suits your needs. You know your body and the way you like to do things, so start off thinking about the kind of kit you enjoy using before researching a product.
Don't get fixated on brands. I've lost track of the number of times people ask me which is the best outdoor brand to shop for, and the question drives me nuts every time. Focus on the actual product you want to buy – jacket, gloves, tent peg, whatever – then shop around to see which brands make the most suitable products at the best prices.
Buy cheap, buy twice. We all want good value from everything we buy, and finding great outdoor products at great prices is a big part of what we try to do with LFTO reviews. But try not to cheap out too much with outdoor kit. Don't forget this is performance gear we're talking about, so it needs to be able to handle tough terrain and even tougher weather. A price difference of £50 may seem like a dealbreaker when you're choosing between two waterproof jackets, but it's a lot better value than replacing the whole product six months down the line.