5 expert winter navigation tips | How to stay on track

Improve your ability to hike confidently and safely in winter with these essential navigation tips from our experts.

Navigation Summit area of Kinder Scout Peak District Winter

by Sarah Ryan |
Updated on

Walking in hills and mountains in winter can be a uniquely magical experience, with a thick cloak of snow sparkling over the peaks. This, however, also presents significant navigational challenges.

Here are some key winter navigation tips to keep in mind when venturing out.

1. Plan your route with winter conditions in mind

Full winter conditions change the nature of the hills dramatically, so it’s essential to plan your route accordingly.

First, check the relevant mountain weather forecasts and avalanche information for the area you hope to walk in – this will refine your route to the areas safe for travel. You can check this with the MWIS.

Then consider the fitness and skill level of yourself and anyone with you. Finally, plot your ideal route, keeping in mind that paths may well be covered in snow and breaking trail is exhausting work.

2. Note key points along the way


Before you set off, decide on some key points along your journey at which you will stop and observe how the walk is going.

Good places to do this are at route junctions, where you have the option to divert onto an easier or more challenging alternative.

Other known points are also good places to pause, such as trig points and observation points, where you get a good view of your route. Make sure you're also pausing for thought before any higher risk features, such as a scramble or river crossing.

Estimate the time at which you expect to arrive at each of these key points and write it down.

3. Keep time and pace

Hiking navigation

Make a note of the time you set off and keep checking throughout the day, particularly when you reach one of your key points. Have you arrived in the expected time frame or are you moving more slowly or quickly than expected?

As well as providing you with the opportunity to divert before getting into difficulty, this will give you a baseline reference point if visibility drops.

4. Focus on hill shapes, including slope aspect and angle

Snow and ice can entirely cloak even large features in the hills, including lochans, rivers and paths. So, it’s best to defer to large geological features when moving in winter conditions.

That includes the steepness of the slope, which can be roughly gauged by effort output, and slope aspect. Combine this information with timing and pacing to help stay on route.

5. Make wise use of tech


Though we would never recommend relying on your phone, it can be a useful winter navigation aid. Features like Locate Me in the OS Maps app can provide a pinpoint location and 10-figure grid reference, while preset routes can help you estimate progress.

An outdoor watch with GPS and altimeter capabilities is a more robust and reliable alternative, which tends to have longer battery life if it isn’t tracking an activity. Keep it somewhere warm though, as cold drains the battery, and always carry a paper map and compass.

If you have one that's lightweight enough, a power bank can also be a great fallback in case you get into trouble and run out of battery.

Essential winter kit

Alongside full winter kit and clothing, including an ice axe and crampons, you should carry:

We'd also recommend a timings card and slope aspect measurement tool.

Useful resources

Scottish Avalanche Information Service

Lake District snow observations

Mountain Weather Information Service

Met Office Mountain Weather Forecast

Want to know more? Take a winter skills course to sharpen your navigation and winter walking hardware skills.

About the author

Sarah Ryan LFTO

Sarah Ryan is an experienced outdoor kit tester, wild camping guide and qualified mountain leader. She's been writing for Trail and LFTO for years and, among her many outdoor achievements, she's hiked Scotland's 370km Cape Wrath Trail.

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